Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ode to Cheese

Ode To Cheese,
Which Makes Us Smile,
When Camera's go Clack.
Ode To Cheese,
Which make us taste,
The greatest of flavors, the wackiest of whack.
Ode To Cheese,
Blue, Gorgonzola,
American and Cheddar.
Ode To Cheese,
Beja and Feta,
In all types of weather.
Ode To Cheese,
For those on a diet,
or trying to get fatter.
Ode To Cheese,
with crackers and wine,
with grapes can flatter.
Ode To Cheese,
when you're sad and happy,
Cheese just fits.
Ode To Cheese,
Mountains and Mountains,
or bits and bits.

Ode to the Cheese,
To appreciate,
and take pictures.

                                                                    Ode to Cheese,
i truly love you

Ode To The Forgotten

Ode to the people who were forgotten
They were once loved and cared for

Ode to their lives
Everyday they hurt
While in desperation for love
and generosity.

Ode to their heart
That was torn apart viciously
With little consideration
Of their inner feelings

Ode to their memories
That bring back happiness
Or to the ones
That are very vague.

Ode to those who have tried
Those who haven't given up
The ones that will keep climbin
For them life hasn't been easy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Highrise Essay on comparing with David from Alamar

The project highrise "out my window" focuses on the lives of different people and what they can see out their windows. The person i compared and contrasted was David from Cub, his life is interesting and full of spirit for his friends, if you want to find out more, keep reading! :)

When I first saw the inside of David’s apartment, I believe he was living at a pretty nice apartment with an elevator and nice structure of the building. However, as he told his stories about the festivals in Alamar, the largest public-housing project in the world literally means “Wing of the sea”
this happens every year such as the rock festival, rap festival and etc… I began to realize the situation and the lives David is living in. The apartments of Alamar were actually built by prisoners which mean that it is badly constructed and the walls are crooked and there is no space for the water to drain. So, if somebody poops, they have to throw it out of the window. In Alomar, there isn’t much happening. There isn’t anything happening around. People are bored. If there are activities happening, everyone in Alamar takes part in it, watch or comes down because they have nothing to do. From David’s window, you can clearly see the waves clashing into the shores of the ocean and the beautiful strokes the waves are making. “We have a very strong connection to the sea”, David says. David goes to the ocean to pray and be blessed by his god. Yemaya Olkun and walk to the seashores to talk to the sea. Close to David’s home, where he goes to meditate. In the mountains, there is a river which is clean and crystal clear where he relaxes and lets go of himself. He says “I love that it’s close to here”.

David, he is a free spirit. He makes music all day and only do what he loves. He and the people of Alamar might be having trouble because of the authorities stopping the festivals happening every year but, as he said "we never stop" and i hope they don't stop because the people of Alamar are bored and have nothign to do and these great festivals which happens only once a year is one of the fundementall solution to establish happiness and bring smiles and laughs into the appartments of Alamar.

From Daivd's appartment, he can see the beautiful ocean and the great sight of Alamar and i would be relaxed if i saw that amazing sight for real. However the sight i see from my appartment in my room is very different and opposite from David's window. From my window, i see blocks and blocks of appartments and cars almost racing to on the shining roads. I can see my school from here. There aren't probably schools in Alamar. I really wish i can be free and doing what i love as Daivd does everyday. I wish to escape from this complicated and mad society of South Korea and escape to the forests of Alamar with David to meditate and relax in the rivers in the mountain.

When i grow up, i want to become a person who will help these kind of people. Kind of people in Alamar who are having trouble and being unsupported with efiicent needs and basic needs for their lives. I will likely to personally support them with education and a nice school so when the kids grow up with a good education kids will be the light of Alamar and bring up more happiness in Alamar.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

David after dentist

This video is hillarious! This kid is amazing funny however stupid and very childish at the same time, i watched this video over 20 times and i could not stop laughing, i am laughing as i am typing this comment right now!! :D

In Viet~~~

Basketball tournament held in Cambodia...came first place!! :)

Middle School grade 8 dance!

Middle School dance....she was hawtt! :]

farewell party when i left !

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Kids say the darndest things. The best thing about children learning to talk is the mistakes they make when trying to pronounce certain words. When "truck" sounds like something else, it can be quite funny. This is the proof! This is one hilarious video.


This baby hit Youtube long time ago, but the number of subscribers and viewers are rising every single day. Probably in each video this baby is in, there are probably at least more than 10 million views!! The baby could be around 6 or 8 years old by now. In this video the baby is laughing than he just stops and makes this weird, but extremely funny face by making his eyes evil! Enjoy and leave comments!!