Monday, January 17, 2011

History Presentation - Leonidas, King of Sparta!!!

Leonidas, King of Sparta

l Dominant image                                           
l Faithful to his people
l Powerful and a smart warrior
l Latter’s strength and ability
l Myth – Special abilities


l Resilient                          
è Difficult to be defeated and be overcome
l Cunning
èThe timing of attacking in the battle zone
l Dominant and a respected ruler
èHad complete respect and honor from his soldiers and people
l Intelligent
èSmart encountering strategies during battles
l Brave and courageous                                                                                         
èStayed and fought to his death to protect the kingdom of Sparta

Family Relatives

                          Leon (king of Sparta)                

 First wife                    Anaxandridas II                        Second wife
Dorieus         Leonidas I   Cleombrotus (regent)            Cleomenes I                  


l Trained burly body
l Skills of throwing spears and arrow of impossible accuracy
l Trained with extreme combat skills
l Overall, one of the best and the most powerful warrior in ancient Greek history


l One who is bold as a lion
  lOrigin is Greece          

Highlights of his life (Background Information)

1)   Persian messengers came to forcedly offer the land of Sparta
2)   Leonidas refused strongly
3)   The Thermopylae started
4)   300 great Spartan soldiers marched against the Persian Empire
5)  Spartans could not defeat the Persian army due to its great size and number
6)  Leonidas died happily fighting to his death for Spartans
7)  Some warriors from the 300 were dismissed because of illness before the battle
8)  Leonidas' dead body's head was cut and hung on a stake due to Xerxe's order

Personal Analysis

l Greatest king that have ever lived
  l Role model
  lSacrifice he made was emotional


l Cunning
èCrafty artfulness (especially in deception (sneaky tricks))

l Sparta
èAn ancient Greek city famous for military power; the dominant city of the Peloponnesus prior to the 4th century BC

l Persia
èA theocratic (belief in government) Islamic republic in the Middle East in Western Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient empire that was known as Persia until 1935; rich in oil

l Burly
èWell-built body (muscular) and heavy-built

èSomeone who rules during the absence or incapacity or minority of the country's monarch

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